
America is a country rich in history and folklore, with tales that span the breadth of the nation, whispering stories of the paranormal and the unexplained. From the mist-shrouded coasts of the East to the sun-kissed beaches of the West, each state has its own collection of ghostly legends. Some states stand out for their high concentration of haunted sites. Let's discover which states boast the highest number of haunted places.


In this effort to map out the most haunted states across America, we turned to one of the most comprehensive and accessible repositories of knowledge on the internet: Wikipedia. Specifically, our analysis is based on data extracted from the page titled "List of reportedly haunted locations in the United States." There are many more claims to "haunted" sites for each state, but many of these are largely made with commercial interest.

To ensure a structured approach, we meticulously reviewed the list, categorizing sites by state to determine which areas of the country are most densely populated with tales of the supernatural. Each entry on Wikipedia was considered for its historical significance, the nature of the reported hauntings, and the frequency of paranormal encounters reported by visitors or investigators. It's important to note that while Wikipedia provides a broad overview of haunted locations, the accuracy and veracity of individual reports can vary. As such, our methodology does not seek to validate the paranormal claims but rather to catalog the distribution and concentration of reported hauntings across the states.

This approach allows us to paint a picture of America's most haunted states based on the volume of documented sites. However, we acknowledge the limitations of relying on publicly sourced data, which may be influenced by factors such as the popularity of certain locations or the propensity of local populations to report paranormal experiences. Despite these limitations, this analysis offers a fascinating glimpse into the places across the United States that are most often associated with ghostly legends and eerie tales, providing a starting point for further exploration and investigation by those intrigued by the paranormal aspects of American folklore and history.

Top 3 Most Haunted States

Oregon: The Haunting Champion

An eerie looking white lighthouse located in Oregon

Photo by Jacob Colvin

With an impressive tally of 49 documented haunted locales, Oregon claims the title as the most haunted state in America. This distinction is a testament to Oregon's rich and shadowy history.

The state's haunted reputation is anchored by its largest city, Portland, once dubbed one of the most dangerous port cities globally. Its historic Shanghai Tunnels, where the unsuspecting were once smuggled away into a life of forced labor, now serve as a chilling reminder of the city's dark past. Haunts like the Bagdad Theater and Pittock Mansion add layers to Portland's ghostly narrative, with each site harboring its own stories of past inhabitants unwilling to leave.

But Oregon's spectral allure extends beyond Portland. The Oregon Trail itself, a path that led thousands to the West in search of new beginnings, is said to be marked by the spirits of those whose journeys ended prematurely. Remote locations like the Hot Lake Hotel and the Wolf Creek Inn offer more than just hospitality; guests report encounters with the unseen, adding a paranormal dimension to their stays.

Perhaps the most intriguing of Oregon's haunted tales are those that blend the natural with the supernatural. The Oregon Vortex, with its gravity-defying illusions, not only confounds the senses but also, some say, unsettles the soul. It's places like these that make Oregon a haven for those seeking encounters with the unknown.

Oregon offers a unique journey into the paranormal. Grab your flashlight and a sense of adventure as we celebrate Oregon's title as the haunting champion of the United States. Who knows? You may just have a story of your own to add to Oregon's ghostly legacy.

California: The Ghostly West

An eerie looking image of an abandoned schoolhouse in California

Photo by Stephane Legrand

Securing the silver medal in the haunted count, California hosts 26 haunted locations (as based on our methodology), each with a story that sends shivers down the spine. The Golden State harbors a dark side that whispers tales of the past at every haunted turn. From the famous Alcatraz Island to the halls of the Winchester Mystery House, California's haunted locations are as diverse as its landscape.

The Hollywood Sign, an emblem of dreams and drama, also serves as a monument to tragedy, haunted by the spirit of actress Peg Entwistle, who took her life in a leap from its towering letter H.

Further south, the whispers of the past can be heard at the El Adobe de Capistrano, where a former jail cell turned wine cellar reportedly houses more than just bottles. And the legend of the Pink Lady at Yorba Cemetery adds a spectral charm to Orange County, appearing biennially to remind us of her untimely demise.

The Golden Gate Bridge, standing as a beacon over the San Francisco Bay, carries its own tales, echoed by the souls of over 1,600 who have met their end in its waters below.

Pennsylvania: Spirits of the Past

Pennsylvania claims the bronze medal in our spectral survey with 17 documented haunted sites. The Keystone State's rich past, marked by intense battles, revolutionary ideas, and diverse communities, serves as fertile ground for tales of the paranormal. From the hallowed grounds of Gettysburg to the urban legends of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania's ghosts whisper stories of the past.

Gettysburg: Echoes of the Past

Gettysburg, synonymous with one of the Civil War's most significant battles, resonates with the echoes of soldiers long gone. The battlefield, especially areas like the Devil's Den and Little Round Top, is a hotspot for paranormal investigators drawn to its charged history. Visitors report encounters with apparitions, such as a disheveled soldier with long grey hair, guiding them through foggy memories of battle. The Slaughter Pen and Triangular Field are no less haunting, with reports of malfunctioning cameras and eerie battle cries filling the silent air, while a spectral little girl in white roams, adding innocence to the landscape scarred by war.

Philadelphia: A City of Brotherly Love and Lingering Spirits

Philadelphia's historic streets tell their own ghostly tales. The Bishop White House, with sightings of a diligent housekeeper and a mysterious cat, and Leverington Cemetery, known for its active apparitions, invite curiosity and speculation. The Physick Mansion's sorrowful spirit weeps for her lost tree, while the graves of St. Peter's Episcopal Church and the squares of the city hold guardians of their own, protecting the resting places of the city's ancestors.

Beyond the Battlefields and Cobblestones

Pennsylvania's hauntings stretch beyond its most famous sites. From the halls of Lebanon Valley College, haunted by a playful young spirit, to the Bolton Mansion's intelligent presence, the state's paranormal activity is as varied as its landscape. The General Wayne Inn hosts not only guests but also mischievous spirits and the echoes of Edgar Allan Poe's visits, while the grounds of the former Dixmont State Hospital and the halls of Pennhurst State School and Hospital are scenes of unexplained phenomena, drawing the brave and the curious to explore their mysteries.

Pennsylvania's ghostly residents serve as reminders of its tumultuous history, from the struggles for freedom and unity to the personal stories of those who called it home. Whether it's the soldiers of Gettysburg or the spectral inhabitants of Philadelphia and beyond, Pennsylvania offers a hauntingly diverse journey through America's past.

The Haunted Landscape of America

An image of haunted US Landscapes

Photo by James Mirakian

As dusk falls across the vast expanse of America, a transformation occurs. The familiar landscapes, from the rolling hills of the east to the rugged coastlines of the west, take on a different character under the cloak of night. Shadows lengthen, and the land whispers tales of those who walked before us, leaving behind more than just footprints—leaving echoes of their existence, some say, their spirits.

In the heartland, fields that stretch out towards the horizon are more than just earth and crop; they are the stages of history's dramas, soaked with the sweat and blood of laborers and soldiers alike. It is said that when the wind rushes through the cornfields of the Midwest, it carries with it voices from the past—soft murmurs of dialogue between the living and the dead, recounting tales of hardship and bravery.

Further south, the swamps and bayous teem with life under the sun, but at night, they become realms of mist and mystery. Travelers have spoken of seeing lights flicker among the cypress trees, leading the curious deeper into the marsh, where the air is thick with the scent of decay and secrets. These waters have witnessed untold stories of despair and longing, and some believe the spirits of the lost linger, yearning for resolution or revenge.

To the west, the deserts offer a stark beauty that belies their own haunting tales. Under the vast expanse of the starlit sky, the sands whisper stories of ancient peoples, lost travelers, and hidden treasures. The howls of distant coyotes merge with the moans of the wandering souls, creating a symphony that chills the spine of the solitary wanderer.

And in the urban landscapes, where history and modernity collide, the past refuses to be silenced. From the alleyways of New York to the fog-shrouded streets of San Francisco, each corner and cobblestone holds a ghostly narrative. Buildings that tower towards the heavens are not just homes to the living but sanctuaries for the spirits who roam their halls, trapped between worlds.

This is the haunted landscape of America, a tale woven from the threads of history, myth, and the unexplained. It's a land where the line between the past and the present blurs, where the echoes of the departed mingle with the footsteps of the now. And as the night deepens, one thing becomes clear: in America, every shadow tells a story, every breeze carries a whisper, and every place has its own tale of the supernatural, waiting to be uncovered.

Ghost-Free Zones: The Seven States Without Documented Haunted Sites

In a country as vast and storied as the United States, tales of the supernatural and unexplained seem to permeate nearly every corner of its landscape. Yet, amidst the echoes of the past that haunt many states, there are a handful of states seemingly untouched by the spectral hands of history. Vermont, Mississippi, Nebraska, South Dakota, Rhode Island, Delaware, Virginia, and New Hampshire stand out as bastions of the unhaunted, regions where the whispers of the past have not manifested into the ghostly presences that characterize their counterparts.

This absence of documented hauntings could be attributed to a variety of factors. Perhaps it's the resilient spirit of the people who call these states home, a testament to their ability to live harmoniously with the echoes of their history. Or maybe it's the landscape itself that offers no foothold for the unsettled spirits and tales of yore, allowing these states to remain havens of tranquility in a nation often captivated by its haunted heritage.

It's also worth considering the role that culture and storytelling play in the perception of haunted locations. The rich tapestry of folklore and legend that defines much of America's view on the paranormal might be woven with different threads in these states, focusing more on the living heart of the community and its natural beauty, rather than the specters of the past.

In a way, these ghost-free zones invite a different kind of exploration, one that appreciates the quiet beauty of the present and the tangible remnants of the past. They remind us that the allure of a place can stem not just from the shadows of what once was, but from the light of what is and what can be. In these seven states, the absence of hauntings is not a void but a space filled with the opportunity to forge new stories and find beauty in the unhaunted corners of America.

The Science of the Spooky: Understanding Paranormal Investigations

Behind every shadow that moves without source and every whisper that echoes without speaker, there's a curious blend of science and speculation. Paranormal investigations seek to peel back the layers of the unknown using a mixture of technology, methodology, and critical thinking. Here's a snapshot of how investigators approach the enigmatic world of the paranormal:

The science of paranormal investigation is as much about understanding the unknown as it is about appreciating the stories and histories that shape our perception of the spooky. It's a field where science meets folklore, and evidence is always up for interpretation.


Our journey through the haunted heart of America revealed a landscape rich with tales of the past, marked by the echoes of souls who've left an indelible mark on the living world. The pursuit of understanding these phenomena through paranormal investigations combines the thrill of exploration with the discipline of scientific inquiry, challenging us to consider the boundaries of what we know and what remains just beyond our grasp.

Whether you're a skeptic, a believer, or somewhere in between, the tales of America's haunted landscapes invite us to explore, to question, and to marvel at the mysteries that persist in the shadows of the American night.